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Bahamas records 14 murders for 2024

January 19, 2024

NASSAU, Bahamas, CMC -Police said a 24-year-old man, who was due to go on trial on Monday for murder, was one of three people gunned down pushing the murder toll so far this year to 14.

Chief Superintendent Chrislyn Skippings told reporters that Jason Emmanuel Alou Lamm, a father of a one-year-old child, was on bail and was due in court on Monday.

The police said he was driving a small Japanese vehicle when the occupants of another Japanese car pulled alongside him and opened fire, shooting him multiple times.

The murders came after Prime Minister Phillip Davis unveiled his administration’s crime plan and a National Day of Prayer event was held in response to the soaring murder rate.,

Police said in the other incident, a man in his early 20s and not known to them, was shot and killed, and appealed to witnesses to come forward.

“You need to come forward and provide us with the intel so that we can remove the weapons from the streets,” Skippings said in a message to parents aware of their children’s criminal activity.

“Failure to do so, the carnage will continue. It can affect your home. It may be somebody else’s loved one today, tomorrow, or even later today, it could be your own.”

Police said they are also probing the death of Ceion Davis, 38, who was killed in Dundas Town, Abaco.

The main opposition Free National Movement (FNM) has described the country as being in a crime crisis.

“The Davis Administration’s response to the surge in crime has been underwhelming, with he national address and crime plan falling short of the expectations of an anxious public,” the party said in a statement.

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