Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation

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Potential revenue from whale watching

March 30th, 2022

Potential exists for Barbados to turn whale watching into a popular activity generating income for the country.

Recently, several humpback whales were spotted off Barbados’ shores in the past weeks.

Footage and images captured by Alec Drayton, Charles McClean and Andre Williams have been shared with CBC.

There’s a combination of factors as to why Barbados is recording more sightings.

Nikola Simpson of the Marine Mammal Stranding Network for Barbados says the whales migrate to warmer waters to mate and give birth.

Though there’s no official whale watching industry here, she says there are a few pointers to adhere to as whale watching catches on locally.

Ms. Simpson, who was a guest on CBC TV8’s Mornin’ Barbados says the they have been keeping track of their movement.

She says they’ve been cataloguing specific whales visiting our waters over the past years.

The information is then shared in a global catalogue.

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