Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation

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QEH refutes reports of laundry pile up

July 14, 2023

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital is this evening refuting reports of a pile up in dirty laundry as a result of a break down of a washing machine.

Communications Specialist Shane Sealy says the reports are simply untrue.

He says the laundry team has been using the washers at the Psychiatric Hospital during the afternoon with completion by 6:30 p.m.

As a result there has been a smooth transition to avoid backups in the Laundry Department.

In a release the QEH says it is in the process of introducing several upgrades to the Department.

It says it has invited a team from a reputable manufacturer to tour the facility and offer solutions to improve efficiency.

The release indicates the Laundry does have some machines slated for repair and/or replacement.

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