September 20, 2024

Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation

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Positive feedback from junior calypso tents

June 28, 2023

There’s been positive feedback on the two calypso tents featuring the island’s junior calypsonians, to help them prepare for the Junior Monarch Competition.

The semifinalists in the Scotiabank Junior Monarch Competition across the two categories presented their material in the two tents at the Steel Shed in Queen’s Park before facing the judges at the semifinal set for July 2.

The final is set for Saturday, July 15 at the National Botanical Gardens at Waterford, St. Michael.

Cultural Officer for Music Education at the National Cultural Foundation, Kevin Moore says there’s been a marked improvement in the performers after mentorship sessions.

Semifinalists Kadarius ‘King K’ Allen, Rashad ‘King Shad’ Applewaithe and Ranesha Stewart shared insight into their songs and performance on CBC TV8’s, Mornin’ Barbados.

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